Just who exactly needs fingerprints? Contrary to common perception fingerprints are just for criminals or the arrested DUI. In truth many professionals need them done quite regularly. In Florida, that list would include anyone applying for an Insurance license, or other financial services. It would also include teachers, day-care providers & chaperones for public schools. Any Healthcare provider needing AHCA validation also needs them. The list is probably exhaustive but these are the most common.
What kind of fingerprints are needed? This depends entirely on who is requesting them, but usually fall into 3 categories:
1) INK Cards. Ink cards are still done in 2021, usually at the request of an employer or college. They are done on a standard FBI form 258-1. Good news is they aren’t so messy anymore with the advent of inkless print pads. Also, just because someone needs and FBI print done, doesn’t mean they need to be ink. FBI prints can be digitally scanned and uploaded to them directly.
2) FINRA prints. Basically anyone in the financial services is required by FINRA (Financial Industry Regulatory Authority) to maintain current prints. These can be done with electronic Live-Scan devises & sent directly to FINRA.
3) FDLE LIVESCANS. The Florida Department of Law Enforcement independently certifies electronic fingerprinting devices. They also processes background check that are directly sent to them by these certified devices & vendors. FDLE handles all of the AHCA, Department of Health licensing, Florida Department of Financial Services & then some! FDLE is also considered the “GOLD STANDARD” of background investigations.
There you have it! with an increasing population in Florida, we at Noble Notary & Legal Document Preparers have noticed the increasing demand for these services. We’ve also taken note of the need for this to be done conveniently, professionally, & in a timely manner.
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